Thursday 4 December 2014

Christmas Decoration 2014 - part two - Tutorial

-Contination of the Christmas Decoration 2014.
8/  Sew as many beads and sequins as you like on one side of each ring.  You may wish to decorate both sides and that is fine but it just takes longer.

9/ Fold the rings in half to make a crease line at the top and bottom of each ring.  Lay all of the rings on top of each one, lining up the creases and with some double thread or on the sewing meachine sew them together, through all layers on the crease line .Cut off a length of gold or silver cord and loop it around the decoration refering to the photograph.  On the outer edge tie a knot with the cord to keep it in place.

10/   With some double thread sew a bead between each part of the decoration at the bottom moving around in a circle and sewing around again through all of the beads to provide extra strength to the decoration.  Repeat this at the  top of the decoration.  This helps to keep the decoration in shape.

11/   Sew a large bead or crystal in the hole of the decoration centre to add a little more interest.

You may need to press the decoration under a book overnight to help create its 3 D shape.

The same method could be used for other shapes.

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